The service provider and telecommunications companies see a need for more user-directed service offerings [ServiceWave'08 panel consensus, citation needed]. Yelmo et. al. [YÁT+08] promote a user-centric service creation approach. Zschaler [Zsc09] envisions a market for components whose functional and non-functional properties are fully described. Riedl et. al. [RBR+08] argue for the consideration of user-perceived quality in service ecosystems. Khirman and Henriksen [KH02] establish the relationship between resource-bound quality of service and quality of experience.
The Participative Internet of Services is a long-term goal where anybody can offer, search and share web services. There are two main distinctions compared to the traditional Internet of Services idea: First, the participation is open to everybody, and the features of offered services mirrors the capabilities of the users, excluding obstacles like required specification levels and framework lock-ins. Second, the service implementations can be downloaded as packages instead of just used over the network. This fosters autonomous and adaptive operation, trust and injection of open source principles into the service world.